This is a 10,000 word novelette intended for adult audiences.
Content warning: features graphic sex, male chastity, cuckolding, enforced chastity, BDSM themes, body piercing, dominant female-submissive male roles, strong language, erotic situations not all members of the public will enjoy, and other depictions of adult sexuality. Explicit language and adult only content.
Thom brought her the wooden box they kept under her nightstand. They had come to call it the toy box because it contained their toys. Their adult sex toys; there was nothing childish about it at all. He wasn’t surprised to see her pull out the harness. What was new was when she pulled three different dildos of different sizes and styles and placed them on the bed.
“Choose,” Kathleen told him as she stepped into the harness and tightened the straps around her hips.
“Which one?” he asked.
“Do you think there’s a wrong answer?” she asked as she adjusted her equipment.
“No,” he said cautiously.
“Then pick the one you want.”
Eventually Thom chose the one of medium length but had large, firm ridges.
“Don’t feel like having a huge one inside you tonight?” Kathleen asked him as he handed the toy over to her and she carefully adjusted it into place.
“The ridges look exciting,” he told her and she laughed.
“You’re a liar. Hands and knees,” she told him.
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