I’m now offering the complete edition of Sugarman’s Milk for
the low, low price of $0.00 if you have Kindle Unlimited, but only until
December 3, 2015, then the price goes to $2.99 on Amazon (and
Smashwords and elsewhere). I’m not a fan of KU but this is a new revenue
stream I’m experimenting with. Indulge me for a few months. The
original three parts of Sugarman’s Milk are still available in all the usual outlets (Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon, plus elsewhere).
and Grant Sugarman are experienced swingers who hook up with a new
couple. Robin and Nate Teller want to open their marriage because
they’re both looking for a new erotic outlet because their relationship
has become stale. What the Teller’s don’t know is the Sugarmans are in
an adult nursing relationship and Jenny is more than happy to lead her
new friend down that very same path.
This is a 30,000 word novella intended for adult audiences. Originally published in three parts.
warning: features erotic lactation, graphic sex, group sex, lesbian
sex, strong language, adult nursing relationships, cheating spouses,
erotic situations not all members of the public will enjoy, and other
depictions of adult sexuality. Explicit language and adult only content.
“I can’t believe we did that,” Nate repeated to his wife as he carefully drove home in the early light of Sunday morning.
“Why not?” Robin asked.
“It just seems so crazy,” he said. “Having sex with another couple? That’s not us.”
“It was us,” Robin pointed out. “And this was originally your idea.”
“I didn’t expect you to go along with it.”
“What are you saying?”
shrugged as he stopped at a light and waited for the traffic to clear.
“I don’t know. I guess I thought our marriage was…I don’t know. Going
nowhere? Are we happy? Are you? Am I?”
“You took too many
philosophy classes in college.” A silence fell between them as he
resumed the drive. “It’s crazy that Jennie is still lactating, isn’t
it?” Robin asked her husband after the long pause.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “And you tasted her milk. That’s even crazier.”
“It wasn’t bad,” Robin said without affect.
“Did you like it?”
Her answer was measured. “I was curious. And she wanted me to and…it was very sweet.”
“It was?” He grinned at her. “The taste or doing it?”
“Yeah, very sweet,” she replied dreamily.
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